Saturday, October 5, 2013


For those of you who don't know are really missing out.

A little background...Bennett used to be completely obsessed with super heroes.  It was all he ever talked about, drew about, wrote about, etc... He had a lot of trouble last year with kids.  They were tired of hearing about super heroes all the time (and honestly...I can't say that I blame them!)  He used to come home crying about kids being mean to him.  We encouraged him to work things out on his own.  After a month or so of being very upset, I finally called his teacher to visit with her.  She suggested getting him in with the school counselor.  What a difference that made!!  Ms. P was wonderful with Bennett and gave him some strategies to use in making and keeping friendships.  She really made an impression on B and we saw a huge improvement in his confidence.

Fast forward to the past couple of weeks.  We have a buddy, E, who lives in a different state. He is in first grade and is a heart kiddo like my Gracie.  He is totally awesome!!  I was soooo lucky to get to meet him in person this summer and fell completely in love with him.  He is qualified as special ed due to some services that he receives, but he is in a general education classroom.  He is having some difficulties in school this year.  One of the things he has struggled with is making/keeping friends.

So....Wednesday night....Bennett comes home and does his homework.  Then, he pulls a half sheet of paper with a list of books written on it.  The handwriting on this paper definitely belongs to an adult.  I asked him what it was.  His response?  "Mommy, I went and talked to Ms. P today.  I told her all about what was going on with E.  I asked her how we could help him.  She gave me these books to share with him.  Also, do you think we could go to the store and get him a toy?  Then we could mail it to him and help him feel better."  

Okay, seriously??  That boy really got to me this week.  He is so kind-hearted and wants to help everyone.  I hope he never loses this in his life.  

My boy with a heart of gold....I love him.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Craig and I had a great time this past weekend.  Our good friend, Karen, tied the knot with Terry.  Craig and I headed up to Detroit early on Saturday morning.  It has been so long since we have flown that we actually had to look up the rules on the internet about carrying on luggage.  Once we arrived, we met up with our friends Casey and Rick for lunch.  They moved to Texas from Detroit this summer...and ended up 2 miles from our house.  Small world.  We had such a great time!  We love our Jozzy and we are sooo happy that she found happiness!!


I love the fact that Make-a-Wish shares the pictures that they take when we are at the art parties!  I was able to get pictures of the art that my girlies created.  Love it!!


Bennett attended super hero camp this summer with his buddy, Jakey.  They had so much fun!  I couldn't resist ordering these cute pictures that they took while he was there.