We left Magic Kingdom and headed to Animal Kingdom. As soon as we entered the park, we stopped for a drink. While I was buying water, Craig, Maggie, and D-Daddy watched the workers feed the spoon-bill fish. D-Daddy tells the keeper, "But the sign says no feeding animals!" (insert drum crash here)
We decided to head to see the Festival of the Lion King show. We headed to the Fast Pass entrance...and were quickly directed down to a different entrance. We were the first people let into the theater....and were seated on the very front row. It was a small bench so we all squished onto it. The show started...and Bennett was picked to represent our section. We were the Lions and Bennett had to demonstrate his lion roar.
We loved the show. At the end of the show, they ask for the kids to come out and dance with the dancers. Of course, Bennett was up and ready to go. He really wanted Grace to come with him...but she wasn't feeling it. So, I did what every good mom does....bribed her with a toy. She jumped right out and had a great time dancing with her brother.
As soon as the show was over, the kids insisted that we hit a souvenir stand. After all, I had promised! We decided a long time ago that every time we went to Disney, the kids get to pick Mickey ears as one souvenir. Bennett insisted that he get Lion King ears. He also picked a Simba stuffed animal....after all....he did represent the lion section. Grace picked at Pocahontas doll. Maggie picked a stuffed elephant. (She LOVES elephants!)
The next stop was lunch! One very cool thing happened at lunch. Grandmama and I took Maggie to the bathroom for a diaper change. I was changing her diaper and a lady came up to Grandmama and asked if that was Grace. She said no that it was her little sister. The lady reached out and handed Grandmama a $20 bill. She said, "Please give this to Grace. I know that she has been through a lot. I will be praying for all of you." I insisted that it was not necessary but she would not take her money back. What a wonderful surprise...and proof that there are still kind people out there.
After lunch, it was time to make Grace's wish come true!! When Grace made her wish she said "I want to go to Disney World, be a princess, and march in a marching parade." Mommy and Daddy arranged for her to become a princess. The rest was up to the magic of Make-a-Wish. After emails back and forth, they told us that we would at least get to be in a parade at Give Kids the World Village. The week before we left, I received an email from MAW. It said Bibbity Bobbity Boo....Grace's Wish has come true! They arranged for us to be in the parade at the Animal Kingdom... and everyone (except Maggie because of her age) could be in it. Craig and D-Daddy took Maggie and the video camera because Grace wanted Bennett, Mommy, and Grandmama to be in the parade with her.
Grace, Bennett, Grandmama, and I headed for the parade staging area. We were given our costume - a jungle vest and Mickey ears. It was very neat to go behind the scenes of Disney. Of course, cameras were strictly forbidden so no pics....but there were so many characters back there. They all waved to the kids which they loved! Then, it was time to start the parade!!
King Louie |
Our float for the parade |
Getting ready for the parade |
Headed out the gate to start the parade |
Chip and Dale |
Minnie Mouse |
Brer Rabbit |
Briar Bear |
Timon |
Donald Duck |
Mickey Mouse |
Goofy |
Riding in the parade |
After the amazing experience of actually getting to be in a parade, we were anxious to hit the park. Our first stop was the Kilamanjaro Safari ride. Maggie was most excited to see the "elfanants" since they are her favorite! After that, we headed to ride Everest. I had never ridden it before....and I loved it!! Bennett loved it too. We rode it twice so all the adults could ride it.
Bennett and I in the blue shirts about halfway up |
Grandmama, Mommy, and Bennett |
D-Daddy and Bennett in back row
Mommy and Daddy in front row |
Bennett really wanted to ride Kali Rapids. He convinced us all (as far as he was concerned) that we would not get wet. He was beside himself with glee when we agreed to ride. He could hardly contain his excitement and the fact that he knew that we were going to get wet but didn't think we realized that. Poor Mommy...I definitely got the brunt of the wetness but the sheer joy on Bennett's face makes it worth it. Grace didn't really like it but she rode it so I was very proud of her. The last stop was A Bugs Life Show for Craig and Bennett. No one else really wanted to go so we just looked at some shops.
The park was closing so we headed out the gate. Craig suggested we eat at Rainforest Cafe - which the kids were so excited about. We sat down and our waiter asked who the Wish Kid was at our table. Grace was treated to a free meal and a souvenir cup.
Bennett and Grace with their souvenir cups |
Maggie stealing the salt off of Grandmama's 'grown-up' drink |
I would say that this was a successful first day at the parks!
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