Trying to pick a new soccer name for his soccer
team. Bennett suggested ‘Purple
Diarrhea’. When I asked him why on
earth he would suggest that as a name, he replied, “Because everyone laughs at
me.” (age 5)
Standing in the shower with me. I moved over and the water hit you on
the back. You grabbed your butt
cheeks and said “Ow. My biscuits
are burning!” (age 5)
“Narnia is the best present that I have ever
gotten. When I got it, I was like
WOW! But, Jesus is the best
present.” (age 5)
While at dance class….learning shuffles. Aunt Sandy said, “Hold your arms out
and with your leg go brush, brush, brush, brush.” Gracie replied, “We use toothpaste?” (age 2)
Calls your bedroom “my libing room” (age 2)
You asked if it was a school day. When I said that it was, you said, “I
will try not to bite my friends today.” (age 2)